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Bronchoconstriction models for LABA, LAMA & MABAs

This model allows for the assessment of bronchoprotective effects of novel bronchodilators to agonist challenge (Methacholine and or Histamine) induced bronchoconstriction in the anaesthetised guinea-pig.

Formoterol demonstrated significant inhibition on resistance and compliance of airway induced by histamine and methacholine in anaesthetised guinea pig. Formoterol also showed significant bronchoprotection against 5µg/kg histamine and methacholine challenge.

Formoterol demonstrated significant inhibition on resistance and compliance of airway induced by histamine and methacholine in anaesthetised guinea pig.

Formoterol also showed significant bronchoprotection against 5µg/kg histamine and methacholine challenge. 

Study Design

Dunkin Hartly Guinea Pig

Model Airway Bronchoconstriction
Relevant Use Screening and assessing the efficacy of new candidate LABA, LAMA and MABA's
Readouts Available Invasive Lung Function (terminal) assessment of AHR (airway hyper responsiveness) using the Flexivent system

Study data generated by Labcorp Huntingdon Pharmacology.