Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Our talented team of data scientists can work with you to design AI models, processes or applications that can help you identify unforeseen opportunities and increase efficiency within your product development pipelines.
Discover scientific innovation
- Monitor diagnostic testing rates in the real-world to discover disease prevention opportunities
- Leverage global connectivity data for deeper pathological analyses
- Augment clinical decision support, better supporting a diversity of populations and demographics
- Proactively identify diseases within populations for clinical trial protocol and study design
Recruit & manage clinical trials
- Predict patterns within patient populations for recruitment
- Target cohorts based on advanced patient segmentation
- Predict pharmacokinetics (PK), drug response (PD) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs)
Operate your pipeline
- Optimize your resource planning to generate smarter sales, predict inventory and plan effectively
- Forecast financial and product demand
- Detect potential fraud or anomalies
- Crawl feedback and data more effectively, using natural language processing, optical character recognition tools or machine-based free-text analyses
How our clients are using AI models
One call center reduced pre-research time by more than 60% after applying artificial intelligence to their benefits verification model.
One fraud detection model examines flagged order for irregular patterns, yielding an estimated savings of up to $100,000 in the first year of rollout.
In a recent NASH clinical study, existing data helped inform AI predictions on where to locate new subjects: of 54 potential subjects, 34 tested positive.
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