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Global Locations

Our global network of comprehensive development spans dozens of countries.

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Whether local, regional or worldwide, you can count on our expertise and resources to deliver your results.

The Americas

From our corporate headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey, and multiple operations across North America, we offer end-to-end development solutions to meet your unique needs. From dedicated nonclinical and clinical operations, and nutritional chemistry and food safety, leverage insights from our experienced team to help move your project forward.


Whether you seek regional or global connections, we combine our local presence with global expertise to move your project forward. With end-to-end development solutions across Europe, you'll receive access to dedicated laboratories from a team well-versed in European regulatory issues. 


Since 1988, we’ve had a strong regional presence with dedicated laboratories, nonclinical operations, and agricultural biotech solutions. We offer the local know-how to move your science forward. 

You can also browse a list of our lab facilities. 

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