COVID-19 Vaccine & Antiviral Preclinical Development and Testing

Developing safe and effective vaccines or treatment has never been more urgent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extend your coronavirus discovery and preclinical development capabilities for vaccines, antivirals or cytokine treatment by partnering with our experienced team.

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Efficiently move your COVID-19 compound through the drug development pathway

Discovery & Anti-Infective 

Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics

Safety Testing

Vaccine, Antiviral and Infectious Disease Experience

Here's a quick overview of our infectious disease, vaccine and antiviral preclinical testing experience in the past 5 years: 

  • 8 global nonclinical testing facilities
  • > 4,000 global nonclinical staff

COVID-19 Development Acceleration

Choose a programmatic approach for your coronavirus vaccine, antiviral or treatment, Early Phase Development Solutions, to help you reach your IND/CTA, FIH, PH2 and PoC milestones quickly. 

Work with drug development leaders who have more than 300 years of combined development experience

Considering Reformulation? 

Our team can help you to determine whether you can reformulate an existing treatment and whether specific regulatory steps would already be satisfied.

Continuity. Partnership. Confidence.

Coronavirus Assays

Looking for clinical testing assays?

As a full-service contract research organization, we can help you move a coronavirus vaccine or treatment quickly and efficiently through all phases of development. 

Here is a list of COVID-19 clinical testing assays that have undergone expedited validation to be able to enter coronavirus clinical trials:

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