About Labcorp
Propel your development program forward with the power and speed of a global laboratory network
Unmatched global research and lab testing
Bold science and insightful data/AI that informs and guides your program.
A passionate team, driven by urgency to advance your program goals for life-saving solutions
We believe in harnessing science for human good. And so we work day and night, around the world, to deliver answers for all your health questions—whether you’re a provider, drug developer, hospital, medical researcher or patient. That means everything from advancing diagnostic testing, to helping launch new drugs, to offering new perspectives through data, all drawing from a deep well of scientific expertise.
So when you need trusted information to make clear, confident health decisions, consider us your source.
Partnerships that make a difference
Labcorp provides an integrated global network of laboratory solutions for the pharmaceutical, medical device, crop protection and chemical industries.
Labcorp is a global leader in laboratory testing - specializing in discovery, preclinical, bioanalysis, central labs, biomarkers, companion diagnostics, as well as post-market commercial testing solutions.
Together with our clients, we support the development of innovative, life-changing treatments.